/!\ Important : if you don’t update your scribzee mobile app to version 5 before 13/12/2024, your scribzee account will be closed & all your data (including scans) will be deleted.
Why will the version 4 of scribzee disappear?
Version 4 of scribzee is an old version. Soon, it will not meet our security standards. That’s why, for data security & technical reasons, this version will no longer be available. It has been replaced by the version 5 of scribzee, launched one year ago & available on Google Play Store and AppStore.
How can I download version 5 of scribzee?
You can download scribzee version 5 from:
• The AppStore if you are an iPhone user
• The Google Play Store if you are an Android user
After you will have updated your scribzee mobile app, log in to your scribzee account with this updated mobile version.
Then, you’ll be able to access your account online from https://online.scribzee.com/
Why can’t I update my scribzee web version?
To be able to use scribzee, your smartphone needs to meet some requirements. Here they are : https://help.scribzee.com/hc/en-gb/articles/8279972055324-Is-my-smartphone-compatible-with-the-Scribzee-mobile-application
How do I know that I’m using version 4 or 5 of scribzee?
To know if you’re using version 4 of scribzee:
• Mobile app: Check the number of the scribzee mobile app version installed on your phone. If it starts by a 4, you should update your mobile app version for version 5.
You should first update your mobile app version for version 5. Then, you’ll be able to access scribzee online through https://online.scribzee.com/
What will happen when the version I’m using will no longer be available?
• If you haven’t updated your scribzee mobile app to version 5 & haven’t logged in to this updated version before 13/12/2024, your account will be closed. It means you will not be able to access your scribzee account nor its content (scans). Your account will be deleted & will be inaccessible. You will not be able to log in to the account. The account and all its data will be permanently deleted. It includes folders, scans, profile preferences and picture, contacts list and any other user data.
• If you have updated your scribzee mobile app to version 5 & have logged in to this updated version before 13/12/2024, your account will still be usable & all its content as well. You will have to use your updated mobile version & https://online.scribzee.com/ on the web to access scribzee.
Is there any way I can download all my scans if I can’t update my scribzee mobile app or I don’t want to keep my account opened?
Yes, you’ll be able to receive all your scans. Before your account is deleted, we will offer you the possibility to download all your scans. You’ll receive an email to enable you to bulk download your scribzee scans.
Any other questions?
If you need help, contact us at scribzee.contact.uk@hamelinbrands.zendesk.com
We’ll be happy to assist you.