• Open the SCRIBZEE mobile application
• Click on the scan
• Select the scan mode corresponding to the product you are scanning from the following 3:
- " vertical mode " icon : to scan vertically (except FLASH 2.0 flashcards and revision cards)
- " horizontal mode " icon : to scan horizontally (except agenda)
- " square mode " icon : to scan spot notes
• Align the printed markers on your page with the targets on your smartphone screen.
• To scan a new page, select the "+" icon
• Once you have finished scanning all pages, select the OK icon to save.
• SCRIBZEE will capture the content that appears on the area of the page inside the markers as well as the content that appears 1 - 2mm outside the markers. To ensure that all content is captured, do not write on the edges of the page.
Can't scan?
See our article: How do I scan when markers not detected appears on screen?