3 formats are available for sharing your scans in SCRIBZEE: PDF, jpg or directly in the application with your contacts.
To choose the format that suits you best, we explain the differences:
1) Sharing directly with your contacts in SCRIBZEE :
Direct sharing in SCRIBZEE is about sending documents from one SCRIBZEE account to another. This is the ideal way to let your recipient benefit from all the features of the application. Once your contact has received the documents, they will be able to consult them in SCRIBZEE. This sharing mode works for sharing Notes, Cards, Flash Cards and Flash Card folders.
To share directly in SCRIBZEE :
• Go to the SCRIBZEE mobile application,
• Click on your profile and select "My Contacts",
• Click on the "Add contacts" icon ,
• Select your username and click on "Send an invitation",
• Send an invitation to your contact via the application of your choice,
Once the invitation is accepted by your contact, you can share documents with each other.
To do this :
• Go to the folder containing the document you wish to share,
• Click on the "More options" menu represented by the "..." next to the document of your choice,
• Select "Share with my contacts",
• Select the contact(s) you wish to share the document with and click on "Share".
2) Sharing in image format (jpeg file):
Sharing in jpg format allows you to send your note to your recipient in image format.
This sharing mode works with all types of scans, except for Flash Cards.
To share in jpg format :
• Go to the scan containing the page you wish to Share.
• Select the "Share" icon and then choose how you want to share the note.
• To save the note to your smartphone photo gallery, select the "Save Image" option.
3) Sharing as a PDF:
PDF sharing allows you to share a document to your recipient in a PDF file automatically created by the application. This sharing mode works for sharing Notes, Cards, Flash Cards. To share in PDF format :
• Select the 'More options' menu symbolised by the "..." to the right of the title of the document you wish to share.
• Select "Share as PDF".
• SCRIBZEE will create the PDF file and then ask you how you want to share it.